Introduction to Graduate School

소프트웨어학과 대학원 소개
The Department of Computer Science at Chungbuk National University offers an excellent post-graduate education program for computer scientists and computer engineers, proudly backed with its history of more than 40 years.

Department of Computer Sciences is educating exceptional talents through professional research on embedded systems and software, artificial intelligence, image processing, big data analytics, cloud computing, 5G telecommunications, and Cyber-Physical Systems.

We ask you for your continued interest and support in Computer Science alongside exceptional talents who will make their mark in the computer world, based on creative and innovative ideas. Thank you.

Graduate School History

1978 03 Started as the Department of Statistics, College of Social Sciences
1980 03 Approved as the Department of Computational Statistics, College of Natural Sciences
1983 09 Name changed to the Department of Electronic Computing Statistics
1984 11 Master’s Program added to the Department of Electronic Computing Statistics
1987 05 The department of Electronic Computing Statistics Hosted the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers Conference
1987 11 Divided into Department of Computing and Department of Electronic Computing
1988 02 First graduate convocated after splitting as the Department of Electronic Computing
1989 11 Doctoral Program added to the graduate school of the Department of Electronic Computing
1991 02 The first graduates convocated from the doctoral program at the department of electronic computing (natural sciences)
1993 09 Name changed to the Department of Computer Science
2009 03 Departmental enrollment cap imposed and implemented as the department of Computer Science